Hey dere,
Firstly, welcome to any BlogFloggers who have alighted off the very funny mummy Brenda's McLinky, as seen below. Make yourself at home. Put your feet up. My blog is your blog. Stay as long as you like. And all those good sentiments.
Secondly, I have another confession to make. In my last post, I confessed to short story burn out. While it was somewhat comforting to know I have not lost my high school writing formula of minimal dialogue/ short disjointed sentences/ dark brooding subject with twist; four stories on ten days was just too much.
And I fear I'm going the same way with blogging.
It's been about three months since my good mate Sarah introduced to the world of 'real blogs'. Thanks to Sarah. I think. You've opened up a whole new world. And I've discovered something.
Blogging is like crack.
It feels good. So you do it. You crave it. You want more. It worms it way into your subconscious. You can find yourself getting a wee bit obsessive. Posting. Checking for comments. Posting. Reading. Commenting. Checking for people commenting on your comments. Following. Posting. Checking your Followers.
Or so I've heard. Never being a Class A drug person myself, I'm really not sure.
Anyway, to avoid giving myself a case of chronic blog burn out, I have made a decision- as difficult as it will be, I will restrict myself to one blog post a day. Unless, of course, there's a writing challenge on. Or a Blog This challenge. Or something I just have to respond to...
NO, Lori! See, there I go again. This is going to be a hard habit to break.
So you all will be my moderators. OK? One post a day. Keep an eye on me. I'm sneaky.
So, yeah. Blogging. Like Crack. Only more self-respectable. Kinda.