Happy Boobquake Day!
Well, not really. Boobquake Day was last week. Kristin filled me in. She was encouraging people to dress immodestly for the day, to see if we could, in fact, cause an earthquake. It's a long story.
Whatever. As I mentioned in the comments section, I dress immodestly every day. In fact, I have been known to vacuum in f*ck me boots. Kind of like this.

Except, of course, with f*ck me boots. Which, for the uninitiated, are these. I believe they are otherwise known as 'kinky boots'. I think f*ck me boots works much better. And then, of course, there are Gosford boots. But never mind that, that's a Sydney joke.
Anyway. Moving on.
A dude named Badger who lives in Vienna happened across my comment, and popped by my blog to ask
a) What are fuck me boots?
b) Why does he always marry the wrong woman first?
I'm pleading the Fifth on question b). But I did stop by his blog and answer question a). And told him not to be so bloody silly. Who vacuums in f*ck me boots? No one. I much prefer to vacuum in these.

Now that's talent!
Unfortunately for my husband, that's not exactly true. I am not a fetishist. Not that I'd admit to you lot anyway. Unless mouth orgasms by chocolate count..,? Probably not. So, no fetish here. But if I did have a fetish, it would most definitely be shoes.
So here. Enjoy. Some gratuitous shoes, from the sublime to the ridiculous, for your viewing pleasure. What a turn on, eh?

And personal favorites, totally pinched from Mel's Funky Fuchsia Friday...

Oh yeah, there we go. Just like an orgasm. With heels.
ETA- Thanks to Sarah, for correcting that potentially embarrassing mishap- Gosford, not Hornsby. Halfway to the entrance.. right?