It's the Blog This 50th Challenge and they want a list of 'Fifty Things'. I ran out of time got procrastinating decided to enter at the last minute couldn't get past number seven for any of them had so many brilliant ideas, here is my list of Fifty Things I Almost Wrote A List of 50 Things About. Enjoy! Or something.

- 50 things you didn't know about clowns.
- 50 reasons I am awesome.
- 50 reasons I make a great Girl Guide.
- 50 meals to cook in under 20 minutes, using only a bowl, a spoon and your microwave.
- 50 things my husband does to really p*ss me off.
- 50 of the best kid's shows on free to air TV.
- 50 things you didn't know about me.
- 50 things you didn't want to know about me.
- 50 reasons Aussies are awesome.
- 50 things to do before I die.
- 50 good reasons to breastfeed.
- 50 things I like to Google.
- 50 things I'm scared to Google.
- 50 things I'm scared to admit I Google.
- 50 conclusive facts to prove Google is attempting to take over
the Earththe InterWebs. - 50 Reasons as to why that's a very bad thing.
- 50 of the worst cups of coffee ever made (top 30 made by me).
- 50 of the Daily Telegraph's best headlines.
- 50 reasons drugs are bad, mmmmkay?
- 50 reasons I should not cook. Really, really should not cook.
- (oh Good Lord,is anyone actually counting these....?)
- 50 of the most annoying children's toys.
- 50 reasons I hate Yo Gabba Gabba.
- And Dorothy the Dinosaur.
- 50 medications not to mix with alcohol.
- 50 reasons not to live in Picton.
- 50 sensational balloon animals- naked!
- 50 celebrities on crack.

- 50 things I would do if I had a gazillion dollars.
- 50 things I would like you to do for me if you had one gazillion dollars.
- 50 reasons Justin Beiber needs a good smack on the arse. Preferably from his mum.
- And 50 reasons why that ain't never gonna happen.
- (Are we done yet? No? Almost? OK, a few more then..)
- 50 reasons Sundays are the best days for chasing leprechauns.
- 50 reasons a full moon is the only way to tell if you're pregnant
- 50 reasons Kevin Rudd is a dead-set spunk
- (Really stretching the limits of believability here... You're OK with that? Good then, let's go on.)
- 50 reasons MasterChef is actually a brainwashing cult led by Matt Preston.
- 50 reasons pornography is good for the soul (sponsored by Google).
- 50 ways to know if your computer loves you back.
- 50 of the most anti-climatical ways to end a first date.
- 50 amusing ways to worship roadkill.
- (We're just about there.. it's the home stretch!)
50 reasons I need an iPhone- 50 of the worst 'pun intended' names for Thai restaurants
- 50 of the funkiest yogic Sanskrit chants
- 50 things I call my kids other than their given names (and most of them are nice. Most of them).
- 50 reasons you really should not eat that five day old pizza, Man.
- 50 of the worst things to say to a laboring woman.
- 50 of the best celebrities I have slept with
in my fantasies. - (And praise heaven we are just about done)
- 50 reasons my blog is just the most total awesomeness thing ever.
And if there's any on there you actually want to see the full 50 list of (really?), let me know and I just may write it. Maybe.