Yeeee haa,
Welcome to the second ever Aussie Mummy Bloggers Blog Carnival. This one features all the best posts from Aussie mummy blogger during the month of July.

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There's quite a few links here. Get comfy. Grab a cuppa. Make it caffeinated. And get stuck into some awesome bloggy goodness.
Oh, and blog carnival-ers, don't forget to grab the new button code, mmkay?
Lucy from Diminishing Lucy. A powerful post that really looks at how to start solving the maze of emotional eating.
Ten Ways to Stop Emotional Eating
Kristin from Wanderlust. I've never much cared for sports. At all. But the other day I stumbled across.... naked rugby. Come again? Rugby? In the buff? Hoo to the ya ya ya!!
I Think I've just Become A Sports Fan.
Jo from MumtoJ's Blog. ... a poem that I wrote for my Nan, she passed away 5 years ago but I miss her everyday and have always struggled to say goodbye to her.
The Final GoodBye
Sarah from Just Me. A rant about the inconsistencies in women’s clothing. Ugh.
The Reason I Hate Shopping OR Women's Clothing Sizes Suck.
Megan from Writing Out Loud. My baby loves books, but it wasn’t always that way. Find out my top ideas for reading to your toddler or baby.My Baby Loves Books.
Amba from Team Mummy. A story about my first & second pregnancy and the colostrum I got myself into!
Would You Like Colostrum With That?
Melissa at The Things I'd Tell You. This post is totally NOT about my husband and I. It's about other people. Who are not us. At all. Honest.
So. This Can Stay Between Us, Right?
Lori at Random Ramblings of a SAHM. An Interview with Abby Cadabby from Sesame Street. Yep, really.
That's So Magic- The One Where Lori Meets Abby Cadabby!!
Thea at Do I Really Wanna Blog? On the 17th July my blog turned I threw a party! Blog style!!
Happy Blogoversary To Me!
Kelly at Be A Fun Mum. "I can’t remember the last time I watched the evening news. I love reading the paper, but I haven’t done that in a long time either. There’s a certain nicety about being ignorant of world events; however I don’t want my world to become so small, based around the poos and wees of my children (it can happen; I should know), that I lose touch with reality. Keeping up-to-date with current events is hard work for me."
Wees and Poos Instead of The Paper and News
Veronica at Veronica Foale. A fictional look at blogging.
Welcome To The InterWebs.
Jenny Wynter at Comic Mummy. An interview with international comedian, mother-of-five and all round picture of wonder, Fiona O'Loughlin.
Interview With Fiona O'Loughlin
Lauren at Sparkling Adventures.The girls wanted to fly, so David said, "Sure, why not?" and constructed a flying apparatus so we could send them flying around the living room. This glimpse into our lives captures our attitudes towards life and learning — we seize the moment and run with it!
We're Flying Now!
BabyMac at BabyMac. This post is the one where I fill you all in on some HUUUUUUGE changes for our family that are coming up. Making decisions. Taking action. Bringing on change. And ALL for the best (we hope!)
To The Left, to The Left
Becky from BeckyandJames. Good, Bad, Ugly - Take a peek over the fence into a day in the life, an honest snapshot of a tough day as a SAHM.
Dannii at DanniiBeauty. Take the time to think of what ten things you love! Here are mine, now you tell me yours!
What Do YOU Love?
Nikki Parkinson At Styling You. I wrote this blog after spending the day in Sydney at a blogger-only beauty event organised by PR company, Maxted Thomas. We got to play and be pampered with lots of beauty products but best of all I got meet lots of my blogger friends in 3D.
So Much Beauty, So Many Bloggers. So Much Fun.
Mrs Woog at WoogsWorld. I wrote this post shortly after my birthday, which is when the lightbulb went out and I realised my brain was getting as old as my body.
What I Am Yet To Get.
Brenda at MummyTime. If you were to write a letter to your newbie blogger self, what would you say? I have written one. Wanna check it out?
A Letter To My Newbie Bloggie Self
Alison at Coffee, Kids, Chaos & Me.Time to ‘fess up: as a (yummy) mummy, how much do you still spend on looking good?
The Cost of Looking Good- Do You Still Spend As Much?
Christy at A Cajun Down Under. English is English right? Well....most of the time, but sometimes it just drives both me and my spell checker nuts!
Spelling 101
Jade at Jadeluxe. My most horrendous parenting experience to date, involving interpretive nappying,
willfully deceiving the government, and ultimately burning my beloved handbag on a
bonfire. On purpose.
This One Time, At The Maternal and Child Health Nurse.
Colin Wee at Super Parents. Rather than doing more math homework, William (8yo) and I looked at
Cezanne during the holidays to get an understanding of the man behind the movement.
School Holidays- Art Over Maths
Shelley at My ShoeBox Life. My Mummy Mission to the supermarket unaccompanied, starring a Hot Pink Supre bag.
An Act of Sabotage.
Marita/Leechbabe from Stuff With Thing. I am a mother. The tightrope we walk as parents.
I Am A Mother.
Kate Pickle at PickleBums. It was two years ago now, but it is still fresh in my mind. Come laugh at my 'Bridget Jones Moment' in the Big White Bus.
Screw Up Tuesday- I'm All Class.
Kim at FlufflePot. Can your teenager beat you in an arm wrestle? Does their competence with modern technology make you feel feeble-minded? Read on!
How To Relate To You Teenage- Part Three.
Ash at Mm Is For Me’s Blog. Some fabulous fashion photos inspired me to look at how we can encourage pea eating!
Please Eat Your Peas!
Corrie from retromummy.
This post is my mini vent at the comments I've been receiving because I have 3 small children and baby 4 on the way! I'm not having baby number 14, people!
Are They All Yours?
Multiple Mum at And Then There Were Four. Have you got your cranky pants on? After losing the plot for a few days, this Mum of four reflected on her Behaviour Management strategies and rediscovered the gentler parent within.
Our Stellar Behaviour Management Plan
Deb at Science@Home. This is a 5 minute experiment we did with 3 cups and some hot water. It was a great, simple way of getting the big girl to think about different materials and the little one had a ball copying. Complete with cute video!
Predict, Observe and Explain-Which Cup is Best For Hot Drinks?
Nellbe at Nellbe's Scribblings.... talking about how little sleep her and her baby are getting.
Sleep, How I Love Thee
Katiegirl at The Life and Times of an Ordinary Girl. Mama's on her soapbox. Again!! This time I've got my sights set on the pharmaceutical industry. You may never look at the world in the same way again. Don't say I didn't warn you :-)
The Sickness Files
Lara at Lara's Blog (Extremely Nappies). My post is about My Big Fat Muslim Wedding in the slums of Jakarta. They dress me like a Betawi princess, and the groom like a corpse; I pretend to speak Arabic for the vows; there's strange rituals and rocking party alongside the open sewers.
My Big Fat Muslim Wedding.
Jen at jemikaan. 3 kids, 7 years of photos = 50 things being a parent has taught me. You never realise just how far you have come and just how much more you need to learn, until you delve into the past.
50 Things Being A Parent Has Taught Me.
And there you have it. How cool was that?? Submissions for the August carnival will be starting soon. If you're not a member already, get over to AMB and join up. It's not just for Aussies, and not just for mummies. But.. erm.. being a blogger is kind of essential. OK? OK.