Meeting people you've only previously me online can be a bit risky, at times.
You know, sometimes you meet people off the Net and they are crazy obsessive kinda ugly creepy stalkers who just freak you right out (hi, Jay)?
Or they are completely different to how they came across, through the keyboard....?
Well, my lovely Brenda from MummyTime is neither of those things. She is just as lovely, funny, warm, friendly, clever, huggy and... well... squee!!! as she appears online. And we click with an audible clack.
The only thing I didn't expect...? Well. B's a shortie. Five foot two inches, just like me. In fact, we could be freaking twins. As I said to her, she must just write much taller than that. Or something.

Here's a piccie. I know, I know, it's not great. Really can't compete with YouTube footage. And Brenda's doing her Shake-It-Like-A-Polaroid-Picture thing. But it's the best of a bad bunch, OK? OK.
Oh, and did I mention I went to the movies...? No...? Yuhuh. Tinkerbell And The Great Fairy Rescue, review- and quite possible an un-crap giveaway-coming soon!