It's Friday! FlogYoBlog Friday in fact. As the title of the posts suggests, I'm all out witty funny punny things to say involving flogging, cat'o'nine tails, whips and chains. If you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments, yeah?
I am-gasp!- working this weekend at the Baby and Toddler Show. Both the Saturday and Sunday, by the looks. If you're going to be there, drop me an email and I'll let you know the secret location (not...really?) that I'll be at. I would luuuurve to meet you guys. Creepy stalker types need not apply. Believe me, you will only be disappointed.
And thank you all berry, berry much for your unbridled support yesterday. You guys are the topsest. I love it when you all come out of the woodwork and give me warm fuzzy comment love and (most of you) refrain from telling me how terrible I am.

So.... do I feel a little bit of pressure now, having put it out there, in case I f*ck up and keep and fagging and disappoint you all and you decide you hate me and no one reads my blog anymore because I am still a dirty smoker?
Why, yes. Yes I do.
Whatever. Shush now, Lori and her insecurities, and give us the linky.
The Rules.
- Follow my blog, the Random Ramblings of a SAHM. I never seem to get to reading all the links here. But believe me, I try. Not that any of this is my idea anyway- FYBF is MummyTime's brainbaby, I'm just minding it for a bit.
- Grab B's bubbly button and post it on your sidebar.
- Link your First Name and/or Blog Name and URL of your linked post (not your homepage) below.
- Add a short description (max of 125 chars). It could be a description of yourself, your blog or a teaser to your latest post. But be warned, Mr McLinky List doesn't seem to groove on apostrophes, quotation marks, or other forms of punctuation. Use them at your own risk.
- Follow at least 1 linkyer/blogger (Be nice and spread the love).
- The list will be open for linkyers on Fridays (and for the foreigners Friday as well).
- A new and fresh link list will open every Friday. And you will have to link up AGAIN. The previous link list does not carry over to the following week.
- And lastly, have lotsa fun. I mean it. If I detect anyone not totally loving the awesomeness, I will bump you off the linky list. (Joking) (Kinda).