Noel and wrapping paper, jellybeans,
First off, this is another one of those posts that are sponsored by Nuffnang. But do read on, Aussie people, it could win you a Westfield shopping voucher....
It recently occurred to me that it is November. HolymotherofClaus, November. You know what that means...? That's right. Only about six more weeks before you have to give out a sleigh load of presents to people you only see once or twice a year. Huzzah!!
And to make that even better-er, if that's possible, there is only approximately three weeks before your local shopping centre is consumed into absolute bedlam and it becomes every women, man and nanna for themselves. Out of my way, Grandma, I will deck you for that last singing Santa penguin. Double huzzah!! Or something.
Hecticness. This is the part where I confess that I am a total Christmas tight arse. I hate spending a fortune on Christmas gifts. The kidlets presents are already sorted. I've been buying their gifts throughout the year, as I see them on special. The Man, I'll think of something for. Myself, well, I normally get more presents off me than anyone else, so that's fine. OK? OK.
Which leaves the dreaded In Laws, Distant Family and Random People gifts. Dunn dunn dunn.
You know what I'm talking about, I'm sure the do. These are the people I was referring to earlier- the ones you only see once or twice a year, but have to buy stuff for anyway. Because they buy stuff for you. Mostly gift baskets with soap and shower gel, but, hey it's the thought that counts.
And a shower gel gift basket is definitely better than no present at all. Confession time, people- how many times have you been caught out, without a gift for someone...?
Me? Erm... lots? Last year was the worst for it. The older my children get, the more random people we know, the more likely I am to forget to buy them a gift. The pinnacle of my failure was last year, when some of the Man's friends dropped in with beautifully wrapped presents for both our kids. And I had nothing for their kid. It ended with me, scrummaging for something suitable in the mammoth pile of kid's presents at the top of my wardrobe, and coming down with a stuffed Elmo. Elegantly wrapped in a black plastic garbage bag.
They were stoked.
Whatever. I am determined that this year, that will not happen.
And that's where Westfield comes in. I luuuurve Westfield. Huge, but not so huge that you get lost. Minimal Christmas madness. Plenty of parking- there's even valet parking at Parramatta and Bondi Junction, ooooh la la!
One of Westfield style experts, Trish Murray, says "Perfect gift givers are always (over)prepared". Oh so muchly true. This will be my mantra this year. Not just prepared, but exploding with tinselly over-preparedness.
And, just to make me happy and make my life easier (because that is why all good things happen the world), Westfield have just released a new online gift finder.
I think I'm in love.
So simple even I can use it. You select the age group you're shopping for, whether they are M or F, and then set how much you want to spend. And the gift finder tells you the best stuff to buy. Awesomeness.
It's just almost like window shopping at Westfields, without having to leave the house. You can check if the presents you find available in store.
So.... to solve my In Laws, Distant Family and Random People gift problem, I decided to do some research. And here's the options I've found....
Puppy Flat Friends.
Oh so gorgeously cute and cuddly. And perfect hideaway gifts for kids I've forgotten to buy for.
Because who doesn't love a calendar? The perfect present to wrap and stash in the back of your car for when gifts are sprung on you at mum's group or you realise you've neglected to buy a gift for Great Aunt May (who may not be able to see the calendar, but will appreciate it anyway. And hey, she bought you a shower gel gift basket, so what do you care...?).
Darrell Lea Candy Carton.
Nom nom nomish. Another one of those perfect presents to wrap and keep under the tree for people who you have totally forgotten about. Give this one out last though- if you've been really good, and haven't forgotten too many people, you can unwrap it yourself. And call it a reward.
Now, that painful subject aside, while I was playing with with the gift finder, I had a quick look at gifts for the Man. And, well, me. For the Man (M, 30 +, $50, told you I'm a tightarse), we get this...
Which is just the funkiest thing ever. And I am buying it for him. He doesn't own an iPod, and neither do I. I do not care. I'm buying it anyway.
And for me (F, 25-30 (no, I'm not 30 yet), $50), we get a pair of squishy, sparkly Peter Alexander slippers.
Westfield, you know me all too well.
OK. Enough of my waffle. Here's your chance to win a $100 gift voucher to spend in the Westfield nearest you. What I want to know is- who do you always forget to buy for? Do you have a stash of presents for In Laws, Distant Family and Random People? What's in it?
You have until 5pm on the 15th November to leave a comment on this post with your answer, and the bestest answer wins. But don't bother trying to bribe me with shoes or chocolate, I'm not judging. Australian peeps only. (Sorry again to my OS readers- I will run a giveaway for you funny-talking people soon, promise.) Fine print time- T & C's are here.