Two quick ones today, lovely ones.
First one is... Jeans For Genes Day is coming up soon- August 5th, to be precise. This is a trule awesome cause, supporting vital medical research. And it's a cause close to my heart- or thighs, as the case may be. Why? Because I am a denim girl. I live in jeans. Ask anyone who knows me- my legs always surprise people, when they're any other colour but stonewash blue.
Anyway. Support Jeans For Genes Day ths year via FaceBook. Take your photo. Upload it. Or just make cool badges like these....

... and post them wherever you like.
To celebrate Jeans for Genes Day, I have a prize pack to give away. Aussies only, sorry OS jellybeans- you can enter that other little giveaway I'm running. The Prize Packs contain a $250 Jeanswest gift card, official Jeans for Genes t-shirts and gear, and two movie tickets.
Comment to win- this is a quick one. Entries close midnight 22 July, and the winner will be drawn and notified by email soon after.
Happy demin!!
In other RRSAHM news, as we know, I'm headed off to Melbourne in less than a week, for some kid free time. The preparation for this involves the ritual of Making Myself Pretty. Hair cut and dye, hair removal, exfoliation, nail painting, so on and so forth. I don't know, but shaved legs make time off from the kidlets much more enjoyable.
Luckily, the lovely people from Christiane's sent me a voucher to take myself and both kids for a hair cut, promising a kid-friendly experience.
Dubious? Me? With a three year old who screams blue murder anytime someone comes near his head?
One of the many things we leftbehind in the Purple Life was a friend of ours named Sarah. A hairdresser, with the priceless talent of being able to chatter and calm the chop while she sheared him. She also bribed him with chocalte frogs, which helped.
We've been missing Sarah very much. And the Chop was starting to look a bit wooly. So off to Christianne's we went.
After getting repeatedly lost, looking for a shopping Centre near Paradise that I'd never been to before, we finally made it, only half an hour late for our appointment.
The staff there were lovely. We were cut and blowed by Ashley, who was particular awesome and managed to pull off blond and grey spiky hair. If I tried that I'd look like a nanna.

Chop gets chopped....
Ashley managed to glam me up, cut and blow dry me... all while carring on an in-depth conversation with Chop about the Wiggles and avoiding the flying fingers of the Bump who was sitting on my lap.

The Bump and I. I'm not sure why we look so unimpressed.
And then Ashley, bless her, without missing a beat in chatter, got the Chop settled on a special cushion, put a super hero cape on him... and cut his hair.
Almost without a flinch.
She even managed to put gel in it.

One spunky boy...
Kid friendly? Yes indeedy. Now if only I could get them to come and babysit while I run a home dye through it as well.

The End Result- Pretty!