Hey jelybeans,
I am one tired chicklet tonight.To be honest, I don't want to go back to real life... but's that's a whole nother post, for a whole nother day.
So.. a quick one tonight, before I crash for a few hours then start the very long drive back home. I just felt I should explain what was going on, for all of those people who have been bombarded with my #nnb2011 Tweets all day.
It's Nuffnang Blogopolis 2011, people. The first one ever. And it was huge. A roomful of Aussie bloggers- parent bloggers, food bloggers, fashion bloggers, finance bloggers and at least one real estate blogger. We even got a workshop with the ProBlogger himself.
Poor Emma's Brain had an absess in her face that looked very much like she swallowed a golf ball. She trooped on, long enough to look hot and make an apperance.
The best piece of advice I got was probably from Dave of Nuffnang. I even made a note of it.
There was a Mexican Wave. It looked damn cool. And it was totally ripping off my idea, which I Tweeted half hour beforehand.

I did some very public Tweeting about undies with the very funny Carly Findlay. And we did a lot of giggling. And then we got told off by the blogger in front of us for being too loud. She called us 'Girls'. It felt just like being in school again.

Anyway. What happens in a room full of bloggers at about 3pm....? Everyone's batteries start to die. Heh.
And the holiday is now officially complete. I have shopped, shopped, shopped, met one of my idols- Miss Violet LeBeaux....

.... and Melbourne put on a simply kick arse rainbow for us, just outside Federation Square.

I love you very much, Melbourne. Driving away, it's going to be difficult.