Along with a group of fabulous ladies- and one bloke who, strangely, fits in better than he has any right to- I write a weekly post over In The Powder Room. I don't often link them here- I figure, hey, you all where it is. And you all subscribe to my newsletter, so you never miss a thing. Right...? Right!
Anyways. This week I've got a post ITPR called The Tallest Poppies. And I like it. It's a point I want to make here too, in the space where I tell my truth.

So, go, my jellybeans, read. Be enlightened. Or something.
The Good Returns program is about empowering women- it gives financial loans to those who need them, to allow them to get back on their feet without feeling as though they are taking 'charity'.
Participating is fun and easy and you can check it out here....
Normal programming returns tomorrow, jellybeans. Promise.