Not long ago now, I ran the RRSAHM Super Huge Mega Awesome Welcome To Summer GiveAway. A huge round of applause to everyone who entered– the entries were so fabulous, it made choosing winners extremely difficult. Which aids my chronic procrastination habit in ways I can't even explain. But I got through it, eventually (many, many cigarettes later).
Most winners have been contacted by now, and prizes are shooting off all over the countryside. In honour of that, I thought it only appropriate that I share with you all some of the very best responses I received to the competition question. Which was, of course..
“Tell me, in 25 words–ish... anything at all.”
Quite sadly, there just isn't room to list all thirty one of the winning answers here, not to mention the answeres that were short listed and almost, almost won. But hereis a small selection. For the sake of dignity and whatnot, I'm leaving them all as 'anonymous'. But a huge thanks to everyone who entered, and a big congratulations to you if you won.
“So my darling daughter is 4 and I've been encouraging the use of the words penis and vagina instead of fanny and doodle. On the weekend we went and saw Santa at the local Westfields. Well, Miss 4 sits down next to Santa and tells him she has a vagina but he doesn't, he has a penis. Mortified!”
“I hate when I'm doing Zumba and I need to fart, at home I let them rip so they don't like being held in for too long.”
“Is it sad that I feel like I know you but if I were to see you in street I wouldn't know it's you?”
“My husband of 10 years took his life in 2010. Your blog gives me hope and laughter. You are amazing!”
“My elderly father is AWESOME because he completes 1000+ jigsaw puzzles and he is colour blind!!!!”
“At 38, I'm finally starting to like myself and this summer I'm going to the beach and not give a damn about what anyone but my kids think. Sooo freeing xx”
“Lori - my psych is happy for me to not see her for 6 months! I can't last that long without an appointment booked, so there's one for Feb! Woohoo!”
“Why did the jellybean go to school?
Because he wanted to become a smartie.”
“CHRISTMAS - It's my favourite time of year, the lights, the tree, the hype, the cheer, can't decide what I love most, BUT I hate the queues at Australia Post!”
“Every day of your after is a victory. I should know. I watched my brother die when I was 6. Now I'm 31. I let it influence me but not define me.”
“Double redundancy and job searching for 3 months straight. Finally found a job! Still not as exciting as your super sensational summer slathering of give aways!”
“my ulcerative colitis is flaring at the mo, I get quite anxious when I leave the house that I may crap myself in public. Seriously.”
“Never, ever, ever under any circumstances volunteer to be the treasurer of your school P&C! Ever! ( guess what my role is and how much grief it's giving me.) Do however volunteer somewhere in the school - I've met some of the lovliest people.”
“This counts for being a 'good' mother - letting my daughter do my hair and then going out in public without changing it.”
“I drove through Maccas once and said "can I have a thick shake?"They said machine broken. I said "CAN I HAVE A THICKSHAKE””
“Watching 16 Candles right now, the 80's movies are so tragic they are awesome!”
“Last competition I tried entering told me my last name was a "bad word" so happy to get this far!!!” (Last name– Cocks. Bless her).
“I found an injured possum in my front garden so I carefully bundled him up and took to the RSPCA. Turns out I saved a rat.”
“On more than one occasion, your blog has saved my life.”
And as I've said, on more than one occasion– you people are just... awesome.
For anyone who didn't win a prize– or didn't even enter, really– in the that competition, I have, just for you, a very special second chance prize draw.

Is it a tablet..? Is it a laptop...? No- its an iPad!!
The geekishly gorgeous people over at Logitech have given me a second Logitech pack to give away just before Christmas, full of techy, nerdy, awesome accessories for your computer or iPad.
We've got another seriously awesome Logitech product pack- including an M305 wireless mouse (RRP $69.95), a Logitech HD C510 WebCam (RRP $79.95) and a Logitech Keyboard For iPad (RRP $99.95). Simply in the form below. I would like to know, in 25 words or less–ish– How much of a geek are you? Really?
This one opens as of... now. And you must have your entry in by midnight Tuesday
21st December. Answer that tickles my pickle the most wins; and no whinging, bitching or discussion of any kind will be entered into. Australian residents only. (*Ducks from cavalcade of flying rotten tomatoes courtesy of OS RRSAHM readers.* *Begs for mercy*)
Thanks for playing, jellybeans- more cool stuff, coming soon.
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