Well, I am muchly pleased to announce that the terrible episode of social awkwardness that we will call the Bloody Expensive Piercing has a happy epilogue.
Here's a new piccie of the Bloody Expensive Piercing. Cause I like it better than the last one.
Anyways, a friend of ours went and got tattooed by Hot Piercer Dude's brother a few days ago, and happened to be chatting to Hot Piercer Dude. He mentioned that I had come in and got my nose pierced....
Now, apparently at the mention of "nose pierced", Hot Piercer Dude blanched slightly and said
"F#%k! How did I not recognise her? Omigod, how will I face her again? Tell the Man he has a $70 in store credit".
And then proceeded to confess that he thought I was a young (20-ish) arrogant young chick who was stupid enough to get pierced without first asking for a price (true-ish), and therefore charged me double.
Sucks to be you, Hot Piercer Dude.