So.. Lucy told you about her favorite domestic space invader yesterday, I'm hoping the lovely Sarah is booked in for tomorrow, so today it's my turn.
Allow me to have a disclaimer here, yes? Like Lucy, I'm not generally a fussy, nick nack, bric a brac kind of chick. All that stuff requires dusting. I don't have time for that. Ornaments, with the exception of photos in frames, are generally evil. I do my best not to allow them to infiltrate my life.
I know. The FlyLady would be proud.
Every know and then, however, I get given a dust collector that actually has sentimental value. One that I keep. It still collects dust, for sure. But I feel no sense of resentment, cleaning it off.
Allow me to introduce you to my favorite dust-collector. It's a book. Called the World's Greatest Mum. And, would you believe, my mummy made it for me?

Well, kind of. She bought a picture book, and then worked her magic. See? That's me, in my clown paint, making balloon animals. As I do. Really.

My mum went through every page of this picture book. And replaced the pictures of the cartoon mum with pictures of me.

And not even just me. She included the Chop and our dog....

.. and she made sure every photo was perfect- looking the right way...

... and with the right expression!

It must have taken her hours of finding, fiddling, printing, cutting and pasting. I'll even bet there was no swearing involved, because my mum is patient and lady like, unlike me, and she does not have any use for cuss words. Bless her.
It goes down as the nicest, most thoughtful present I've ever gotten off anyone. It's actually something I would think to grab of the house was on fire (after, ya know, the kids, dog, cat, Man, my engagement ring and a clean pair of undies. Mum would be proud.).
Awesomeness, hey? What's your favorite sentimental piece of crap that collects dust but you just couldn't bear to part with? If you didn't chime in yesterday, tell me all about it today...