Heido ho,
Anyone fancy a meme...? The muchly gorgeous Fairy Sarie at Just Me has asked us to republish our very first ever blog post. Just to see how we started, and how far we've come...
So here's my first ever blog entry. It's actually not from that long ago- the 4th December 2009. I had started myself a blog on the Belly Belly forums. Just because there were things I wanted to write about that didn't really need 'discussing' on a forum as such, but I wanted to get out.

It was about a month and eight blog posts before the fore mentioned Fairy Sarie sent me a PM telling me that I needed a 'real blog'. Thankyou very much Sarah. No, really. This blogging thing is uber-cool.
So, enjoy, bloggeroonies- typos, forum acronyms and all. Short and sweet and all about me.
Getting Bloggy With It.
Hi all,
OK, so here 'tis- my first ever blog entry. Tbh, I should be in bed like dh and the kids but I've been menaing to start blogging for ages so I've chosen to seize the moment and just get one started. Maybe I'll actually write in it if i start one. But maybe not. Don't blame me if I only do one entry... blame my terrible tendency toward procrastination.
So, what do i write about? just anything, huh? My name is Lori, I'm 28, have two kids under two (for another week or so, at least) and very little time for any kind of life. In my life before kids, I had an awesome job working as a kid's entertainer, first doing parties, then at the kid's hospital, and before that I did three quarters of a social work degree. I suffered from terrible PND, bordering on pyschosis, after my ds was born, and am on medication for it again now after dd's birth- but it's working and i feel pretty good. I'm doing better at this 'two under two' thing than I thought I would be- it's not as difficult as i thought it would be.
I prefer summer to winter, dogs to cats, Vegemite to peanut butter, Billy Connelly over Jerry Seinfeild, tea over coffee and cake over chocolate. I'm a bookworm, perfectionist, clean freak.
So that's me. Thanks for reading (if anyone has). I'm off to bed. If I'm feeling really motivated, I'll do some more blogging soon.
So, who wants to play...? I'm tagging
Kristin @ Wanderlust
The MadMother
Jen @ Jemikaan.
You're it, ladies. Happy meme-ing!