OK sweetie Tweeties,
It has happened.
My best attempts at resistance proved mercilessly fruitless.
Not even a week ago I was saying how much the Big Blue twitter Bird scares me.
Now, it seems, I've had a change of tune. Or Tweet. As the case may be.
How could I ever be afraid of this little dude?

Now, no one panic. I know what you're thinking. I've been possessed. Sarah has performed some kind of hoodoo on me, with Brenda's help. They are manipulating my every key stroke using tiny little Lori shaped voodoo dolls.
That's pretty close to how it happened anyway.
In reality, Sarah sent me a message on FaceBook. People were talking. On. Twitter. About. Me.
Well, two people, anyway.
I am so freaking up myself. That's all it took.
So, here I am. Follow me, follow me. You know you want to.

It's safe, I promise. I Googled Twitter etiquette. I know not to start Tweets with "is yadda yadda yadda..". I know not to tweet about food. I know that Following celebrities is the thing to do.
The only celebrity I can find so far is God. That's cool with me. He's everywhere, after all.
So, Twitter me this, blogoroonies. Follow me and pander to my slightly bruised ego. Heaven knows it needs it.