Howdy do,
Now, as some of you may know, at almost two and a half, my darling little Chop is still not very verbal. Most of his words are one syllable, and Ma and Da have to virtually be psychics to decipher exactly what he is demanding.
Occasionally though, he like to surprise us. Like on Easter Sunday, when my normally stand off-ish child, who doesn't really like to cuddle (much to his mother's dismay), came up and sat on my lap, wrapped his chubby little arms around my neck. Lovely. Although the effect was slightly diminished when he leaned in and whispered "More eggs, Ma, more eggs!".
Cute. And very harmless. Not so harmless was when he came home from my brothers place a week ago shouting out at the top of his lungs....
"Cold beer please Ma!".

Ahh. Of course, Chop. You can say that, no worries.
I'm off to submit this one to Funny Things kids Say...