
Because I have been super slack and have a whole swagload that I have been neglecting.
Sorry. The thought of doing all those links was giving me a headache. So I left it. Then I got more awards. And, as happens with chronic procrastination, the whole thing became one big difficult mess that I pretended was not there.
And now I'm swallowing my medicine, untangling and getting on with business. Before I start, if I've forgotten anyone or their awards, please let me know and I'll rectify the situation. Promise. Sorry. Slack cow.
Now, before we begin, some observations...
Observation Number One:I'd love to know who to credit for the creation of all these awards. Jen touched on the Kreativ Blogger one here. But if anyone wants to come forward and take their kudos for the rest of them, please do.
Observation Number Two: Some Blog awards seem to share themselves far more generously than others. The Beautiful Blogger is, perhaps, the tart of the blogging world. She's fancy and loose and everywhere. At the other end of the scale appears to be the Blogie (where is he hiding?) and MadMother's Tell It Like It Is Award. Elusive, mysterious creatures they are. And all the more prestigious for their stand-off-ish-ness. A bit lite Cate Blanchett.
Observation Number Three: Ummmm. Dammit, I had something else to go here. My short term memory is shot to hell. There you go, drugs. Don't do kids. Or something.Whatever.
OK, so here we go... I got the Beautiful Blogger Award and the Kreativ Blogger Award from the gorgeous Ratz over at What Can I Say!

And the Meandering MadMother also thinks I'm beautiful...

And Kristy from Pampers and Pinot: Adventures in Modern Housewifery (how cool a blog name is that?) has also given me the Beautiful Blogger and the Lovely Blog Award. (And how pretty is the Lovely Blog Award?)

Also, the Sunshine Commenter Award from the lovely Jen, of the big fingers and tiny iPhone.

Wowsers! I am also pretty sure that someone else gave me the Sunshine Commenter Award too, but arsed if I can find it. Sorry.
Sooo... rules are...
-Thank and link to the person who gave it to you.
-Tell 7 things about yourself.
-Identify recipients.
-Let those people know that they received an award.
Big thanks to Kristy, MM, Jen and Ratz!
Ummm... seven things about me. I'll make it quick, I promise.
I pick my nose when no one is looking. *Ahem* Did I really just say that?
I can, if I choose, bite my toenails.
I'm allergic to egg.
And penicillin.
I was a serious pot head as a teenager.
I am not a morning person.
Some days I make faces at the traffic lights if they turn red for me. And I poke my tongue out at bus drivers who drive too slowly. Cranky bitch.
OK, enough of that.
I will actually confess I cheated here and deleted the number of recipients the awards go to. Because they all said different numbers. So I'll go with what I like. Recipients, please choose an award, or take all of them. Especially if they are ones you don't have on your walls yet.
The usual suspects are....
Sarah at Just Me. Cause I'm her biggest fan.
Lucy @ Diminishing Lucy. Cause she's a spunk.
Thea @ Do I really Wanna Blog? I love her honesty.
...Mrs P! @ A Study in Contradictions. I just love her blog. Light hearted, but just deep enough.
Amy @ New Adventures In Dreamworld. A Brilliant writer and yoga Nazi.
Lady B @ Mummy Time. Who probably already has all of these, if she does awards at all. How many Followers do you need before you don't care about awards anymore?
Jen @ Jemikaan. One of my all time favorite bloggers.
Phew. I need a drink.