Come on in,
My lovely mate Sarah has a tendency to introduce me to new, technological-type thingies, have you noticed? She is full responsible for both my blog and Twitter problems.
Me, I luuurve Sarah. The Man, maybe not so much.
Whatever. Yesterday, Sarah introduced me to Picnik. For the uninitiated, Picnik is kind of like PhotoShop for morons. Which means it suits me down to a tee.
It's probably a good thing I didn't find it last week. Or my Bloggers Without Makeup piccie may just have looked like this.

No, I'm joking. I wouldn't have, I promise. Really. Maybe.
But, hey, everyone was saying "Oh my, Lori, what big blue eyes you have!!" (It's my first go with the liquifier, people, be polite.)

And this next one is in answer to the hundred or so emails I get every week asking how I used to wear my grease paint as a clown. Enjoy!*

Cute, yes? YES? Yuh, that's what I thought too.
*OK, OK, if you must know, yes, that's bullsh*t. No one's ever asked. Which I find very surprising, frankly. It's OK, I don't hold it against you. But you see I was actually having some kind of FauxPhotShop orgy and got to being... well.. stupid. And I miss wearing grease paint. But that is how I actually used to do it. Not too scary, very girly- much awesomeness!!