Yummy yummy,
Those of you who read Katie's blog will know she caused quite the stir the other day when she mentioned a craving for chocolate covered potato chips. Not imaginary, in-her-head chocolate covered potato chips, but real life, good-enough-to-eat chocolate covered potato chips.
Exciting. Very exciting.
You see, myself and one of my bestest mates, Auntie Mickey, have been fantasising about this particular food combination for years. The saltiness of chips, the sweetness of chocolate. The crunch with the smooth meltiness.

Auntie Mickey and me. Not our best heads.
We really thought we were the only ones who had thought of this. It never occurred to us to Google it.
But that is exactly what we did, right after I showed Auntie Mickey the post on Katie's blog.
You crazy Americans. You really do think of everything. Especially when it comes to salty, sugar-y snack foods.
Leading an exceptionally boring life has it's advantages. I was on a chocolate covered chip mission, with Katie as my cohort. I was going to get me some chocolate covered chips, come hell, high water or international airmail restrictions. One way or another. Even if I had to sleep with Katie to do it.
Unfortunately, there is one factor in this equation that my dog-like determination has no bearing on.
Mother freaking Nature.
It's summer in America. Which means melted, soggy chippies. And- the irony- by the time it's winter over there, it will be summer here. And if the chips can't survive an American summer, they have a.... ummm... chocolate covered chip's chance of surviving an Australian one.
So, after all that, I decided to stop being so lazy and make my own bloody chips.
Here's the pictorial evidence.

The ingredients- salt and vinegar chips, crinkle cut to catch as much chocolate as possible; and silky smooth Lindt chocolate.

Getting drippy dippy with it.

My attempt at food pornography. And plating up, MasterChef style. Auntie Mickey helped me out by standing next to me yelling "You have thirty seconds to stack those chips and plate up the perfect dish! Get cracking!"

Even the Man got in on the act. And you can't be a food critic without a tea towel round your neck cravat.
The verdict...? Chocolate covered chips are an acquired taste. Just not as quickly acquired as we thought they would be. Obviously sickly sweet and salty, we actually left a third of the chips on the plate. Which is not like us at all.
So.... much like sex on the beach, sex in a car with bucket seats, or sex in an elevator, chocolate covered potato chips are one of those things that are much better in your imagination than In Real Life.
And that's probably where they should stay.