Hi all,
I know, I know, two blog posts in one day cloggin' up your Readers and all. Sorry 'bout dat. But, you see, the Lovely Lady B from MummyTime has started a brand new spanky meme, all about being happy and postive and squeeeee!!
She has done it just to make me jealous.
Because, as we all know, I don't have an iPhone.
So, I defaced her button.

And that made me feel better.
So now I'll play.
Some things that make me happy... (No, these weren't all taken today. Obviously. I'm lazy like that).
A Bumpy Thing
A Chop-a-lop
Flowers. And purple.
Taking photos of stuff. Old stuff especially.
The great outdoors
Bad Humpty Macca's.(OK, that's really just a gratuitous use of a photo I like. And an in-joke for those of you who have been Following for a while. 'Scuse me while I have a giggle to myself over here.)