Happy Monday!! And a very happy birthday to the Queen (that will only make sense to the Aussies, I'm sure).
It's time for MummyTime's iHappy Monday. Last week, I defaced her button. This week, I have a new phone. Which has somewhat soothed my bitterness.
But not completely. So I'm keeping the defaced button. For another week at least.

And while we're on the topic (sort of) I had the pleasure last night of receiving my first non-spam anonymous comment. Apparently, my pretty coral pink new phone is totally Fail. But I am hot.
Some anonymous blog hopper thinks I'm hot. 'Scuse me while I affix my Yummy Mummy badge. That absolutely made my week. Sad but true.
I got all snappy with my new phone this week. And then I got all crafty with Picnik. I haven't ventured far enough into the scary Samsung browser to actually upload photos from my phone to my blog yet. I'm getting there, OK? OK. Phone review coming soon too. For a NotiPhone, this gadget does some pretty cool stuff.
Enough of my waffling. Here are my Happys for this week- the usual suspects, indeed.

My happy, sunshine-y Bump-y thing. I know, I included her last week, but hey, she's way cool. Besides, this is the first photo I took on the new phone.

Bonsai. Both the Man and I groove on them. It's the hobby you have when you don't have a hobby.

My bestest mate of 10 years, who we will call Jangles.

Who loves me. Like really, really loves me.

Really. (OK, this is just me being stupid with the camera features on the new phone. New camera features also make me happy)

The Man. Pulling a rather goofy looking head. Back from his three day hiatus. And, ya know, absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that good stuff.
Feel free to jump on this meme-wagon, people, even if, like me, you don't have an iPhone. We must unite against the iPeople. What makes you all sunshine-y, lollipop-y happy-like?