Good morning,
I love flowers, have I mentioned this before? There is something about a vase of fresh flowers on the kitchen table that makes the house feel clean and tidy. Even when it's not. And, most days, ya know, it's... erm.. not. So we need all the help we can get.
The universe seems to know this about me, I think. Hence forth, it likes to send me flowers in times of desperate need. When I just can't be arsed doing the housework.
Check out the massive spread I got when the Bump was born. They made my house look clean and tidy for weeks.

Flowers are muchly a luxury item here. The Man is not a flowers-for-no-reason-type of husband. Probably my own fault. Way back when, in the BC (Before Children), I did receive one or two totally random bunches of flowers. The first words out of my mouth were "What have you done wrong?!". So, no more flowers. A fair call, really.
For a while now, I've been meaning to take a cue from Lucy and buy myself a bunch of flowers. For no reason other than I want them, and they will look pretty on my kitchen table. And, of course, they make the whole house look cleaner. It's just that every time I go to buy them, I find myself wondering if I can really justify $15 for flowers that will only last a coupla days at the most...?
Well, the universe took care of that too.
Early last week, when I was in the thick of my *ahem* personal problems, I happened to be standing in the ten items-or-less lane at Woolies. One of the obligatory Woolies produce section guys, young and skinny and wearing a green apron longer than I am tall, walked up with two bunches of white roses. And with a goofy smile, thrust one bunch at me, and one at the woman in the line behind me.
"All yours, they're a freebie. Probably won't last long. Past dates, so we can't sell 'em".

Aww, bless his stinky adolescent cotton socks. Aren't they just gorgeous....?
As promised, they did not last long. Only a few days. Didn't matter. Every time I saw them, I smiled. And they made the house look lovely. And the best thing about them? Why, they were flowers for no reason at all. Flowers without an agenda. Flowers just for the sake of, well, flowers.

And that's what's making me iHappy this week. Lord knows, I needed it. Click on over to MummyTime, break out your iPhone or, in my case, some other form of way less cool technology, and get your Happy's on with Brenda

*iPhone desired but not essential