I love free stuff, we know that, right? So naturally, I was stoked when I got a package the other day. From a courier. Ooh la la. And it was wrapped all pretty, with a bow. I would have taken a picture of that, but the Chop got into paper-ripping real quick. He loves free stuff too, obviously.
But I did manage to photograph the contents. Minus the baby bottle and sachet of yucky toddler formula, which went straight in the bin. The rest of it, however, was way cool.

We've got's some sun shades, vitamins, a soft toy, Bio-Oil (I freaking love this stuff. Two pregnancies, no stretch marks- thank you, Bio-Oil), and various other bits and pieces.
Including a very curious coloring in book called "Mr Moose in Planet Volvo".

All these freebies are courtesy of The Baby and Toddler Show, coming to Sydney from the 1st-3rd of October. Three whole days of baby show goodness.

If you haven't been to a baby show, it's a quintessential parenting experience. While I can promise you it is absolute mummy mayhem- a collection of strollers, toddlers, mums and screaming babies, in a density far more intense than any playgroup you've ever been to; it's also awesome fun. You get to check out all the very latest groovy baby and kids stuff. If you've ever thought "they need to invent that", they probably already have. You'll find it at a baby show.
And, oh my, the cloth nappies. The gorgeous, on-special fluffy goodness. Excuse me while I salivate. And then wipe it up with a bamboo insert.
Did I mention I'm going...? Why, yes, yes, I am. You'll fine me wherever there is cloth.
Anyhoo. As I said, The Baby and Toddler Show is on at the Darling Harbor Exhibition Center, Sydney, from Friday 1st October to Sunday 3rd October. I recommend the Friday, for avoiding the stressed out mummy crowds.

Admission is free for kidlets under 14, $20 for adults. Or, at least, for adults who don't read RRSAHM. Cause I got the golden tickets. Four of them, to be exact. Who wants em...? First in, best dressed. Leave me a comment, with your email address, and I'll email you back for details. Awesomeness!!
Happy kid wrangling everyone!