First off- for my overseas, non-Aussie readers, this post will make absolutely no sense. I'll do my best to explain things as we go along. Think of the italics as subtitles, yes?
All of you who are living in Australia and have some form of connection to the outside world, be that the newspaper or twitter or carrier pigeons or whatever, will probably have heard by now that And Lee (funny dude who hosts drive time radio) and Megan Gale (smokin' hot Aussie supermodel) have split. Altogether now- *awwwwww*. We loved Megan and Andy. Why? Because.. well... we love Megan. And Andy.

Megan is hot. We all know this. But she's also nice. And she seems to have a sense of humor. She drinks beer and follows AFL (stupid Aussie version of regular football where all the blokes wear tiny shorts and jump all over the place). She also took her famous self into a sex shop to buy this riding crop, to go with this outfit for the races.

She's the brunette. Cool, huh?
Andy is funny. (In that stupid kind of way where he and his best mate get paid to run amok, dress in chick's clothes, and eat strange things). And kind of hot. But no one realised Andy was hot, until he was dating Megan Gale.

Anywhats. Andy and Megan hook up, all is well.
Fast forward a coupla years, Andy and Megan release a rather humorous statement saying they've broken up, two months beforehand. And everyone was sad.
Fast forward another three weeks, and Megan has hooked up with young AFL player (see above for AFL definition), who is not funny (that we know of), but probably hotter than Andy. And he is a giant 210 cm's tall (about 19 feet. Not really. But tall). Which made everyone even sadder-er. Because, as we can see, he is quite the intelligent looking bloke not.

And now we get to the point of the post.
I just feel really sorry for Andy.
It's not just me, right? Poor bloke. He gets dumped (Allegedly. Rampant speculation) by a supermodel. Who then hooks up with a footy player (read that as 'jock who probably likes to get his penis out with his mates'). And, as we all know from high school, the footy player with his penis out is the antithesis and nemesis of the funny nerd (geek, dork, loser). Or something.
Which makes Andy seem... kind of.... hard done by. Like his ego may be a little bit bruised, and he needs a big cuddle.
So, I hereby declare RRSAHM to be the home of the Official Andy Lee Sympathy Association.
Not that we're trying to demasculate you any further, Andy. We're not. Really.We just feel sorry for you, is all.

So, officially- Andy, we feel for you mate. (Bro). It can't be easy. Please consider this post one great big signed sympathy card from the women of Australia- nay, the world. In fact, consider this one massive group hug, where we all pour you cups of tea and say things to irritate you, like "It's all part of life's rich tapestry",and "There's plenty more fish in the sea". And yadda yadda yadda. We know you're putting on a brave face, Andy. We love you for it.
All those in favour of joining the Andy Lee Sympathy Association, please leave a comment saying 'Ay'.I'm sure he'll appreciate it.
*Images pinched from various Australia news websites, and are named for the places they're stolen from. Ner.