A few days ago, you may just have seen me all over Twitter and Instagram, with the likes of Mrs Woog, Nikki from Styling You, Emma's Brain, Kelly from BeAFunMum, Brenda from MummyTime, Zoey from GoodGoog and Trish from My Little Drummer Boys. We were talking hair. We were, in fact, having a big girlie day at Barney Martin Hair (ooh la la!), compliments of Nice'n'Easy, Pantene and Wella.

Mrs Woog. Woog is Hungarian for 'hot'. Apparently.

Barney Martin, hairdresser extraordinaire.
Perfect for me. I love this stuff. A bloggy day put with some of my favorite bloggers. A day in the city- which is becoming more and more of a rare commodity, the longer we are in Paradise; a road trip to fore-mentioned city with the awesome Emma's Brain, who's been one of my best mates since I was 15.... and someone to do something about this terrible hair of mine.
Seriously- I have bad hair. Fluffy and frizzy, without being curly. Dry and fine. And my morning bed head is, dead set, the sexiest thing you've ever seen...
Exhibit A. Rock on. I don't have bad hair days. I just have hair days, with an occasional 'good' hair day thrown in.

Apoligies. Blogger is doing that annoying loading-photo-sideways-thing-again.
Anywoo. This is the Before shot....

Note the bad hair.
I volunteered for a colour. Because.... this is what I do. I am the queen of home hair colour. And Nice'n'Easy is my brand. Why...? Because.. well... it does the best job of covering grey hair. And I have been prematurely grey- very grey, if I let it grow out I'd look like Rogue- since I was 20. The shame. I blame my mother.
So. Nice'n'Easy, it seems, just got nice and easier. Foamy, instead of liquid. No drip, no mess, applicator is- dare I say it- squeezy fun to use.

This is Carl. With a C. He gave me a headjob finsihed off my hair dye, when it became apparent that I was doing a very bad job. Have you ever tried to dye your hair with 20 people watching you in the mirror...? No...? Goodness knows why not. I can assure you it was quite unsettling.

Anyway. After sneaking outside in my hair dye cape- which looked very Harry Potter- for numerous fags while my dye set, Carl with a C gave me a washout and a blow job. No... wait.. blow dry. It's been a while, I get confused.
And the end result...?

Very, very pretty, even if I do say so myself. As Mrs Woog so succintly put it- "You look like a girl!". Thanks so much Woog. Bite me.
Given the hair,a Charlie's angels shot seemed not gratuitous but necessary.... call me Jaqui.
And here we are, bloggers infinitum. Glammed up.

There is nothing like a new hair colour and a blow dry to make you feel like a million bucks.
Hell, I felt so damn cool I needed my own soundtrack. This one, perhaps.
Or, ya know, not.
Coloured Clairol Nice n Easy Auburn, RRP $17.99
Styled Wella Pro Series Volume Mousse RRP $7.99
Wella pro series Volume Hairspray RRP $7.99
For Stockists 1800 028 280