Hey lovely ones,
Given my recent push towards sustainability and genereally being a big nanna, I was absolutley thrilled to receive an invite to the Organic and Green Expo, held last weekend at Darling Harbour.
I was even more thrilled to take a day off from my kidlets to be able to go.
And super extra thrilled when I rocked up to discover I had a real, official-like media pass to stab myself with pin on.

I bought my very enthused best mate Auntie Mickey with me. The first thing we discovered was that wine tasting was $5 a glass.

I don't drink, so I didn't bother me. And given Mickey's past experiences with wine, it was probably for the best.
She comforted herself with this very cute pig we found in the petting zoo.

Anyway. The amount of product to be found here was mind boggling. Everything from wash balls (which I've raved about before), to cocount sugar (which I will totally bake a cake with soon), to vegan lollies and delectable chocolate.

This guy was selling coconut oil. His selling point was that he uses it his own skin. Unless he is 103, I'm not sure that's the best marketing technique.

I purchased myself quite a few charcoal bamboo products. I love bamboo. These sunnies- want. Will have, as soon as they are available.

I am now the proud owner of charcoal bamboo air freshener sticks, and Black Beauty revitalising powder.

Yes, I have been using this stuff to clean my teeth. And scrub my face. Not as gross as it sounds, and quite effective.
Product of the day for me was this find.... Jack and Jill all natural, flavoured kids toothpaste. It has no crap in it and comes in flavours like strawberry, banana, blueberry and raspberry. And it tastes delllllllicious.

As an added bonus, Jack and Jill toothbrushes are made of corn starch, and therefore fully compostible. My worm farm is going to love them.

I decided to purchase some of the fore mentioned toothpaste for the Chop, who, at almost four, just does not like mint. Mint anything. The purchase was an act of parental responsibility, really.
The only downside of the Organic and Green Expo was the lack of... well... green. While I found one stand dedicated to permaculture, it was a bit lame and I was looked down on for not having my own chooks. Heh. There was not a compost bin, a worm farm, a punnet of seedlings in sight. Never mind say, a cloth nappy or a moon cup. Most of the stalls were product, product and more product. (Isn't consumerism supposed to be the anti-thesis of sustainability, forgetting what I said about those sunglasses?)
That being said, a lovely time was had by all, and I discovered some interesting new products to play with.
But next year, please... more worms.