Happy FlogYoBlog Friday blogoroonies,
It's that time of the week again. FlogYoBlog Friday, where we all jump on board Brenda's ship and take advantage of her huge popularity and find lots and lots of cool new blogs and oh my goodness it is midnight and I need to go to bed and there is so much reading still left to do! *Ahem*. Never mind that. Find the pretty shiny McLinky below, and feel free to add your blog. Oh, and Brenda, our hostess with the mostest, is just 4 followers off hitting the big 700- so, if you don't already, please pop on over there and hit the 'Follow' button. it will make her happy. And I like making people happy. OK? OK.
That being said, I am going to take advantage of FYBF and all the extra traffic it brings (cheers, B!) and ask you all one quick little question. It's an easy one, promise.
Do I need a makeover?
Or, not me, so much,as the case may be, but... my blog?
I'm thinking that maybe the white-on-black and skinny Pyzam-ness is starting to look a wee bit dated.
Maybe time for a change?
I could go something pretty like this....

..or this..

Or something a bit funky and different like this one, my personal favorite...

Or, of course,I could just stay as plain ol' RRSAHM me.
Whaddya reckon? Do let me know, please, I am unbelievably indecisive and utterly useless at making desicions for myself.