Stop! Do not hit your back button. I promise, you are are in the right place.
It's just that I have had a makeover. And not just any makeover. A makeover done specially for me by the very lovely Fairy Sarie over at Just Me.
For those of you who are not already huuuge fans of Sarah's, she is a Super Mummy- Internet guru, cake decorator extraordinaire, brilliant photographer, loving mother, forum moderator, part time worker, avatar genius, Repressed Clown and all round beautiful soul. Phew, makes me exhausted just thinking about it.
So a huge thank you to the lovely Sarah, whom I love very muchly. And check out how clever she is!! Even if I do say so myself, the new me looks amazing *wolf whistles*
I gots a signature, some cool fonts, pretty piccies and a rather appropriate colour scheme called 'Sweet Tart". That's me.
And, the piece de resistance- my brand new button, over on the left there. Scroll down a bit. There you go. Go, on, grab it. You know you want to.
So, what do you think...? Am I gorgeous, or what?

Proudly pinched from MummyTime, who stole it off The Bloggess