I know we're all just gagging to hear about what happened with My Anonymous Commenter, the original. I'm happy to say that eventually, after much prodding, he did email me, under the very apt pseudonym of Anon E. Mouse.
I think you all be disappointed. I know I was.
Here's an excerpt...
At the end of the day, I guess what I basically want to say is this...
I really am not a prospect in the cupid stakes, and sorry if my comments gave out otherwise, in any way. Looking inward, I think they were probably just an expression of my romantic side in overdrive, having silly daydreams. That's really more a product of me, and where I'm at than anything else.
So, I think I'll just withdraw quietly, and stand aside and let anon #2, decent and polite as he is, take pole position.
..... I think I'll just retreat quietly, and not hassle you in any way at all, even though I'll probably still be looking in at your blog now and then, to see how you're doing. You've been through quite enough to last more than a lifetime. You're one plucky lady, to have survived, and kept going, and I'm in tremendous admiration of you, and your commitment to your little ones.Ahhhh well. This online romance thing is... kind of deflating.
Mr Anon #2... it's over to you.
OK... a while back, when I published the post about Speak bands... it didn't occur to me that a stamped, self-addressed envelope from overseas would be useless to post in Australia.
Thanks for those who politely pointed this out without laughing at me.

Thanks again to Naomi for the picture.
The obvious solution to this is, if you are not in Australia and would still like a Speak band, is to post a self addressed (but not stamped!) envelope to....
PO Box 153
Picton NSW 2571
.. and I will stamp it and send it back.
A few people have inquired about paying for their Speak bands... it's not at all necessary, even for the ones that are going overseas. The comfort is gives me, knowing that they are going out there.... it's worth every cent.
But, if you just can't help yourself, there is a PayPal Donation box over there on the right hand sidebar.