I'm almost ashamed to admit I'm having a wee bit of a pathetic high school moment here. PowderFinger have broken up. Oh, the devastation.
To be honest, I've never been a hugely obsessed fan- I have a few of their CD's, have illegally downloaded a few of their songs (not really, don't be silly) and can sing along with Bernard when they come on the radio. Here's Bernard here. I'll just pause for a second to let you admire the view.

Image proudly stolen from the Aussie Government
But, you see, the Finger have provided a musical back drop for most of my adolescence and early 20's. They came out with Pick You Up when I was in my very early teens. I danced to it at high school discos, entwined around a guy who smelt like cigarettes and Lynx Africa deodorant. I'm sorry, is that my over the hill sense of nostalgia showing?
So, forgive me, but it's kind of the end of the era. I makes me feel bloody old. Hat's off to them, but, at least they are going out on a high, rather than waiting till they've degenerated into a drug and alcohol fueled spiral of infighting, back stabbing and tres bad music.
Anyways, all hail the Finger. Make they rock on in peace.