Hey dere,
I've been tagged by Sarah in an awesome game called The Photo Meme of Mystery. Proudly stole-d off Jamie over at The Life & Times of a Househusband, the idea is.....
1. Open the first (oldest) photo folder in your computer library
2. Scroll to the 10th photo
3. Post the photo and the story behind it
4. Tag 5 or more people to continue the thread.
So here's my piccie. Of my Chop. Cute, isn't he? This was taken by Auntie Mickey about 10 minutes after he was born. He was amazingly clean and good looking for a newborn.

But it just makes me sad. This was the beginning of a long, dark road. While it seems like a beautiful photo of a new life, to me it was the beginning of the Darkness.
I'm happy to say, the second time around I experienced all the joy a newborn baby is supposed to bring. I only wish I could say it for the first time too.
OK, enough of that serious-ness. Here's the tag list...
The MadMother.
Jen @ Jemikaan.
Kakka @ Menopausal Mumma.
Gemma @ Sometimes You Just Need To Vent
Ratz @ What Can I Say!
Happy meme-ing people....