First off, don't panic. It's not that you've missed the finer details until now. My blog has been re-pimped by the muchly awesome Blog Designs By Sarah. RRSAHM now includes a contact thingie, and a Best Bits page. Huzzah! Here is Sarah's button. Click it. Follow her. She has... dare I say it... blog design freebies at her place. Go there, steal them, feel OK about it. Double huzzah!!

Meanwhile, Disqus has hit the dust. As I mentioned, I was starting to feel a bit stalked. It's not Disqus's fault, really. Disqus just kind of compounded the Interweb heebie jeebies I've been getting over here..
Has anyone noticed what's going on? We could sing a song about it.
The Twitter's connected to the Disqus
The Disqus's connected to the FaceBook
The FaceBook's connected to everything
And everything's connected to the Google God!
Scary stuff.
Just to clarify here, with the whole Disqus issue because, creepily, the Disqus people may be reading this right now, one friend (hi, Ez) clicked into a post from Twitter and left a comment. Which was then published on Twitter. And Disqus automatically published her full name, because that's what's in her Twitter details.
And it seems the Disqus people are helpful. Very helpful. I Tweeted that I was having a few ish-ews installing the program. And Disqus Help found me and Tweeted me back. And then came and left me a test comment. Doo doo doo doo.
Disqus also shows every comment you've ever entered on a Disqus comment form. Which is OK, I guess. But I like to comment and forget. I don't want my comments following me around all the time like little lost Interweb puppy dogs.
So, Disqus is on the ball? You betcha. And a wee bit stalker-ish? Why indeedy yes.
When I connected my Disqus, I decided not to go for the FarceBook LameBook FailBook BookFace FaceBook sign in preference. And, as usually happens, someone wanted it. So I went back to change it. And that's where things fell apart, really.
Whatever. The point is, I didn't select the FaceBook sign in doovie (that's a like a thingie, Yankee Lori, not a joint) to start with because I find it a bit.. well... scary. FaceBook knows enough about me, surely, without needing to know I left a comment here or signed up to a blog network there. Does FaceBook control the Internet these days? Quite frankly, I was more comfortable with the Google God. And, hey, everybody hates FaceBook anyway. It's a necessary evil.

Again, whatever. We are all connected. FaceBook links to Twitter which links to Disqus which doesn't link to Google which links to the Windows Live network which links to MSN which links backs to FaceBook which also links to WordPress which links to Google which links to Twitter which links to Yahoo which links to YouTube.
I'm starting to think anonymity and unaccountability on the Interwebs is no longer an option... is it just me? Are there those amongst us who are totally comfortable with Big Google Face Brother?
Oh, and... *ahem*... I have a new Share function at the bottom of my posts, you see. So you can share me on FaceBook, twitter, et cetera and so forth. Click it. Go on. It kind of makes me feel like a Google whore. And a hypocrite. But I'm OK with that.