Not too long ago, I blogged about the Wiggles. The elephantine amongst us may remember it. All of us- well, most of us- agreed that Anthony is indeed the spunkiest Wiggle, if any of them are spunky at all. Which they are not. Whatever.
In that post, I jumped on my Big Red Soapbox about how Sam sucks Wags bones when compared with Greg, the original mellow Yellow Wiggle, the heart and soul of the skivvies.
After some serious deliberation, I would like to retract that sentiment.

A comment on that post, by my very good In Real Life mate Jus, got me to thinking. Sam, proclaims Jus, is actually a much better singer than Greg.
To be honest, I'd never really thought about it.
But, being the blogger with integrity that I am, I decided to do my research. The Chop was absolutely stoked with this development. We watched YouTube clip after YouTube clip, Sam and Greg, Greg and Sam. And that gosh forsaken green dinosaur. I really do hope she gets thorns in her hands foam dinosaur suit paws.
And my conclusion? Jus may just be onto something. Sam is a very good singer. A dancer. A showman.
If you would like proof of that, please enjoy the following clip. Sam at his best. (It's OK, I don't really expect you to watch it. Just take my word for it. OK? OK).
Whilst perusing YouTube, another disturbing fact seemed to leap off the browser at me. The ingrained Sam-Hate is everywhere. The majority of the You Tube 'Most Liked' comments had to do with how much people yearned for the good old days, when Greg drove the Big Red Car. Without needing L plates.
How would that feel, I ask you, gentle Google reader? To be the the Loser Wiggle. The second third fourth fifth best Wiggle. To be loved even less than Dorothy Just-Shoot-Me-Now The Dinosaur. I don't want to be seen as being responsible, in any way, for some horrible spiral of depression that ends in Sam walking the plank of the SS FeatherSword, high on a cocktail of yummy yummy yummy yummy fruit sal-AD!
And therefore- Sam does not suck. A retraction.
From a crazy woman who really needs to spend more time in adult company. Like, seriously.