Another dust collecting guest post- this one's the work of my lovely mate Sarah over at Just Me. And... take it awaaaay Sarah!!
So the other girls have posted about their lack of dust collectors, I on the other hand have a lot... Can I use that as my excuse for taking so long to do this post Miss Lori?! LOL
We have quite a few nick nacks around the place.
First I was going to talk about my Swarovski cows, a collection I love that my mum has started. Then I thought they weren't sentimental enough.
I thought about the Willow Tree figure and crystal angel two beautiful friends gave me when I lost a baby at the beginning of the year, but I haven't had them for very long.
My next thought was my new age hippy type crystals (quartz etc), but really they're a bit boring.
I have a few cows around the place (sense a theme?!) but while they're dust collectors, they're not sentimental.
So I sat & pondered, my eyes scanning my lounge room shelves & I saw them right in front of me & I hadn't even thought of mentioning them before now.
I have four "pets in a bottle" that my hubby gave me for varying reasons. They are teeny tiny little handmade clay animals (maybe 1cm high max) that are inside equally tiny glass bottles.

I have a dragon, a monkey & an echidna, but my favourite is this little elephant. He was the first one I got & hubby said "it's an elephant so you'll never forget I love you". Naaawww how sweet is that?!