Dear Lori,
You should not bake.
We've covered this before.
Here's another reason why.
When the recipe says "Sift in the dry ingredients", there is a very good reason for that.
And you being lazy is not excuse not to do it.
I know, I know, it was way past your bedtime. And the only reason you were baking at all was because you just remembered you'd put your name on the playgroup morning tea roster. For the next day.
You could have just popped in to the bulk baked goods section of Woolies.
But no. Home baked muffins were called for.
But, in neglecting to sift the ingredients, you ended up with lumps of brown sugar, mixed with vegetable oil, which caused the sugar to go rock hard. Somewhat.... caramelized.
And roughly the same size, shape and color as the frozen blueberries you had previously put in the muffin mix.
Not enough ingredients to start over. And too stubborn to admit defeat and show up baked-good-less....
Only one viable solution.

Hand mixed muffins. Each lump of brown sugar individually hand sifted out.
It took you quite a long time, didn't it?

Next time, sift the bloody sugar. OK? OK.
Yours in rampant stupidity,