Howdley doodley,
Ye olde FormSpring account has been muchly quiet of late. Thank you to helpful person who pointed that out, but was optimistic enough to think maybe I was withholding questions until people were bored with me again. Or something. Ah well. It seems Mrs Woog is not the only one who has misplaced her stalker.
Maybe I've over-shared a few too many times, perhaps? After all, we've discussed nookie, diaphragms and *shhhh* hemorrhoids. I'm thinking there is maybe just not a lot left to know about me.
Whatever. Here's the button anyway.

Something extremely useful and quite random was transmitted through the FormSpring wire a little while back. A link to a Tumblr I have not seen before. What's a Tumblr, you ask? Truly, I'm not 100% sure. It's kind of like a blog, but not. I've heard it referred to as being faster than blogs, slower than Twitter, and not a single thing like MySpace (which, as we know, is good). It's a strange place, Tumblr. It seems you actually have to declare being straight, rather than being gay, if you know what I mean. It's the reverse of most places In Real Life. I like it.
So far as I can tell, the undisputed queen of the Tumblr world is the mysterious, enigmatic Love Your Chaos. Be fore-warned before you go clicking that link- that one's a serious time eater.
Anyhum. On with the show. This particular Tumblr is called Hot Guys Reading Books. And it's exactly what it promises, and no more. Hot guys, well... you know. Reading books. Hot guys like this one.

I'll pause for a second. Can I get an awwwww yeah?
Righto. Recovering our composure now, ladies, and the gents that are that way inclined. Moving in.
I love this site. As a sweeping assumption, hot guys don't read books. The Man- he's a hottie, right? (*snort*)- certainly doesn't. In fact I've only ever dated one guy who did read books, and while having a convo about books with a dude was quite refreshing, he was a mummy's boy and a bit of a wanker. (Heya Damo.You dirtybigspunknot).
I know, I know, we really shouldn't be treating men as eye candy pieces of meat hunks o'burning love sex objects. Let's just say I'm evening up the score, on the InterWebs, and leave it at that, yes?
To redeem myself, we'll move totally away from that, and look at another species of Tumblr altogether.
It's called Dudes With Beards Eating CupCakes.
Yeah.... I'm not entirely sure either. Although I do concede there is something... oddly appealing.. about the thought of guys with beards eating cupcakes. It's kind of like Kettle cooked potato chips dipped in tomato sauce. I don't know why it's appealing, It just is.
Or something.
Whatever. I felt the strange desire to submit a picture to this site. Why? I don't know. The little man who runs the show in my head gets strange ideas sometimes. But, as it turns out, dudes eating cupcakes- with or without beards- are even more difficult to randomly run into than dudes reading books. The Man doesn't have a beard. And I'm too freaking impatient to wait for him to grow one.
Enter the Chop. Willing, and able, to do just about anything for a cupcake*.

I'll let you know how we go, mmmkay?
*A side note here- it's not child blog exploitation if he's willing, OK?OK. Nothing like that incident with the dress.