A very Merry FlogYoBlog Friday to y'all,
It's officially Christmas!! Bah humbag. Yayness! Crowds and shopping and the Man having lots of days off and spending lots of money on crap. Candy canes and presents and Santa photos and Christmas carols!! Totally kitschy and awesome. Just the way I like it.
By the way, I define the beginning of Christmas by December the First. Because, let's face it, if you started celebrating when the shops decked their aisles with boughs of holly, you'd be celebrating all freaking year.
Whatever. For those who haven't seen it on Twitter, here's Lori Claus.

He he. Ha ha. Ho Ho.
Moving on. River wins the steamy sex god Norton computer software. Here's the random button,to protect my integrity (we wouldn't want to be blogging without that) and transparency and all that beeswax.

Annnd on with the flogging.
Usual blah blah. FYBF is a blog hop, a way to get your blog out there and find new blogs to read, open to all bloggers, large, small or indifferent. Trekkie Techie instructions are here. Just to clear up some confoosion, you don't have to link up a fresh post for FlogYoBlog Friday every time you play. Feel free to link up your best of the week. If want to edit in the linky list and-slash-or button, awesome. If not, I'm chilled with that. A FYBF button on your sidebar tickles my pickle just fine. And be sure to follow to Rule Number 5- Spread the love- or you will surely burn in eternal hellfire, with no candy canes or Christmas crackers or stupid paper hats or warm pudding with custard. Or something. So there.
OK. That's it. Jingle bells, Lori smells. Get ready.. get linky... flog.
The Rules.
- Follow my blog, the Random Ramblings of a SAHM. I never seem to get to reading all the links here. But believe me, I try. Not that any of this is my idea anyway- FYBF is MummyTime's brainbaby. I stole it.
- Grab the bubbly button and post it on your sidebar.
- Link your First Name and/or Blog Name and URL of your post or blog.
- Add a short description (max of 125 chars). It could be a description of yourself, your blog or a teaser to your latest post. .
- Follow at least 1 linkyer/blogger (Be nice and spread the love).
- The list will be open for linkyers on Fridays (and for the foreigners Friday as well).
- A new and fresh link list will open every Friday. And you will have to link up AGAIN. The previous link list does not carry over to the following week.
- And lastly, have lotsa fun. I mean it. If I detect anyone not totally loving the awesomeness, I will bump you off the linky list. (Joking) (Kinda).