September 15th is RUOK Day in Australia.
It's a very simple concept.

In the time it takes to have a cup of coffee, have a conversation that could change someone's lives. Or, really, many people's lives.
Ask the people you know, the people you see every day...
"Are you OK?
Is there stuff you want to talk about?
Because I am here to listen."
It makes me happy to be helping out with this one. For obvious reasons, it's a cause close to my heart. I've been chatting to the RUOK Day organisers, even doing some filming for them. Talking. That's what I do.

If you could all reach out and follow RUOKDay on Twitter and FaceBook, that would be awesome. And the wedsite has some great information on how to start talking, and where to go from there.
And have the conversation. If you know someone who you think is not OK, ask them.
And, more importantly, if you are the person who is being asked... speak the truth.
Someone is asking because they care. Because they want to help. Because talking about a problem can half it, getting it out in the open can make it so much more manageable.

I must have asked Tony is he was OK one hundred times in the month before he died... and the answer was always yes, of course.
He didn't want to worry me.
I wanted to be worried.
So, if someone asks you on September 15th- or any time, actually- RUOK.... answer. They are asking because they care.
For immediate help call Lifeline on 13 11 14.