Those of you live in Sydney will know, it rained all last week.
I'm not even exaggerating. It rained all week, bucketing down steadily, soaking the earth, the last of the November Spring rains.... maybe the last big nourishment before a parching summer.
It rained so much that the underneath of house flooded, and i discovered what I previously thought was a 'drain' was actually a bucket hole cut into the concrete- the perfect size to submerge a plastic ten litre and scoop the water out. Close to 140 litres in all.
Laundry sits piled around my house in various stages of decomposition, smelly and slightly damp. It's the weekend before I finally get around to washing, piling my Hills Hoist with as much damp cloth as it will take, let the wind whip the mustiness away.
I love the washing. Odd, I know, but it's lovely to wash stains away, care for different fabrics and make them last as long as I can. I work actively to reduce chemical usage and waste, and I feel like I am doing something practical for the planet, tiny as it may be.
And all that is intensified, times thousands, when the load of washing is question is a load of cloth nappies (diapers, whatever). I've blogged quite a bit about cloth nappies before. I'm just reiterating, really.
There is no sense of smug satisfaction that compares to the smug satisfaction of pulling in a load of crisp, sun dried cloth nappies.
Forget the environmental and health benefits. It's that awful-but-lovely smug satisfaction that keeps me going.
Which brings me to the really cool part of this post- the giveaway!!
You may remember I was sponsored to attend the ProBlogger Training Day by the awesome people from Rascal Rumps. You can find them here on Twitter, and also on FaceBook. They are an Aussie cloth nappy store with beautiful stock and very reasonable prices. And they have decided to let you all in on the cloth fun with a Christmas Cloth Giveaway, here at RRSAHM.
Up for grabs we have a large Fattycake AI2 made by Leah from Fluff E Stuff. The sizing is 10-18kg, and the RRP is AU$45.

And it just looks delicious.

OK, jellybeans... entry is simple and open to everyone, including those of you outside Australia- in the case of an overseas winner, full postage must be paid, to be organised with Rascal Rumps following the draw..
Simply visit the Rascal Rumps site and have a browse. Then leave a comment here, on this post, telling us which product you would choose to stuff your Xmas stocking.
Answer that most amuses or confuses our judges- Lee and Erin from Rascal Rumps- wins. Bonus points for creativity.
Entries close midnight, AEST, on Friday the 2nd of December.
Winner will be announced via FB, Twitter and this blog soon after.
The winner will be emailed by myself or Rascal Rumps soon after the draw is finalised. They have 48 hours to respond to this email, or the prize will be redrawn.
For your entry to be valid, you must leave a valid email address with your comment.
The judge's decision is final and no discussion will be entered into.
I think that's it. Go, browse, drool, my lovelies. Leave comments and hope Santa's elves are very, very nice to you.
This post also marks the beginning of Xmas here at RRSAHM.
I'll catch y'all tomorrow.