I hate to say it, but the whole concept of the Baby Jake series had me just slightly terrified. I'd say I'm not sure why, but I'd be lying. I know why. It's quite simple.
As a general rule, I find real life babies on children's TV shows quite disconcerting. This time, I can say I'm not sure why, and I'm not lying. All I know is that I was about fourteen when the Tellytubbies first aired and I was still afraid of that giggling sun baby. Who, apparently, now looks likes this.
Like I said- terrifying.
But I have a feeling that's just an internet rumor. Considering Tellytubbies only aired for the first time in 1997. And that chick is not 15.
Moving on. Baby Jake had me pleasantly surprised as I watched him and his friends- a football team full of brother and sisters who do odd things like draw faces on their knees and think they are trees- from my wary spot on the edge of the lounge room. Well within fleeing distance, should that irrational fear of TV babies kick in.

This show is very cute. It's bright and colorful and animated quite simply. The Chop, who is four years old, quite liked it and even watched it sporadically in between torturing the new kitten. That might not sound great, but Baby Jake doesn't have anyone fighting or winning anything, so it's not really the kind of thing four year old boys are into. The Bump is two years old, and babies are absolutely her favorite thing. She loved this show. In fact, she loved it so much we watched about
twenty times in three days. I'm thinking of it as desensitization.

Baby Jake gets a very yummy four out of five jellybeans on the RRSAHM Ranking Stuff Scale. One was eaten due to anxiety caused by a potentially scary baby. Baby Jake wasn't scary, but I can show you something that is....
This is what Baby Jake looks like, all grown up. Are we scared now? Oh yes, yes we are. You're welcome.
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