I may or not be Internet dating again.
Why? Because I am a glutton for punishment. Obviously.
Those of you who worry for me will be relieved to know that’s it a bit… different, this time around. I’ve been burnt and hurt, and that makes you cautious. But, hell, I’ve also shed a skin and had to upload a batch of new, pixie cut photos to the dating site. And that makes me different too.
In a strange kind of oxymoron, I’m not taking anything at all- internet dating included- quite so seriously this time around. But in the same breath, I’m being pickier than I was last time around (you don’t need to sleep with every man who wants to, Lori- just because someone asks you something doesn’t mean the answer is ‘yes’), and that’s proving to be a lot more fun. I’m sure that revelation will be much to dismay of the man with the evidently very small penis who went on a Twitter rant after I posted this guide on Internet Dating- What Not To Do; stating that if I ‘wanted a husband’ (not particularly) I should ‘compromise’ and ‘lower my standards’. Douche. (There were, to my dismay, quite a few blokes who were less than happy with that post. I apologise, gentlemen, I didn’t mean to offend. It’s not you, it’s me. If I were dating women I’d whinge just as much, but probably about different things.)
As I said, I’m having fun. More fun than last time I played this game- and let's keep in mind, online dating is a game. I’ve actually found myself a litmus test- a question that doesn’t definitively define whether things go beyond the inevitably seedy online dating site to become text, which becomes a phone call and then, maybe, a date; but it certainly helps weed out the men who just aren’t going to make me laugh. And that is a constant for me- you make me laugh, I’m yours.
With that in mind, I’ve taken to asking…
Who’s your favorite superhero?
Simple and childish, I know. And don’t get me wrong (crazy woman), I don’t go running around messaging people randomly with “Hi! I’m Lori! Who’s your favorite superhero!?” But after a bit of back and forth banter, I don’t think that’s an unacceptable question. And the response really does tell you an awful lot about a person.
Some men are- probably quite understandably- baffled by the question. “What do you mean?” and “Why do you ask?” are answers that just don’t suit me. Not that there’s anything wrong with either of those responses, really. But I believe life, and people in particular, are all about the little things. The finer details of whose your favorite superhero, what’s your favorite song right now and whether you prefer peanut butter or Vegemite are just as vital to who you are as your job, your age or where you live. None of those are discriminating factors either- but if you can’t understand why I’m asking, I don’t think you’ll get where I’m at. And I doubt you'll make me giggle.
Likewise, if the answer is “I don’t have a favorite superhero. Allow me to brush off that question and return to chatting about mundane things like work and food”- or something to that effect- well… that tells me that this person is probably not going to be a lot of fun. That simple. It would take some really sparkling conversation to change my mind after an answer like that… and I haven’t found it happen yet.
Happily, most guys answer my question with good humor. The most common answer, in case you’re wondering, is Batman. There has yet to be a Superman. Bonus points go to blokes who answer with any of the X-Men. Because if I were a superhero, I’d be Rogue.

From FanPop. And I don't care what you say, Anna is way better than cartoon Rogue and her bad hair that needs a to be hit with a straightener.
I loved her since I was a kid, and I still love her now. For no other reason than she rocks that grey streak. And I may need to emulate that cool at some point in the near future. (Nothing to do with the way she can’t touch people because she hurts them Really.)

And Lori Rogue. Or something. Heh.
And that’s what I answer, on the rare occurrence that someone actually asks me the question in return. That, by the way, is still my main complaint… conversation is an art form, true. But the basics are question-answer-response-question, rinse and repeat. Most men leave out the 'question' part altogether. It’s difficult, trying to carry on a one sided conversation, especially through a screen. Most of the time, I don’t bother.
Anyway. That’s me. What I want to know from you, jellybeans, for a matter of my own curiosity…
Who’s your favorite superhero?